July 20, 2010

Round Two!

Round two with my little bird is starting to frustrate me! I don't know what it is or why but this little soon to be feathered friend isn't co-operating!
The legs are a bit wonky and it has wire sticking out of its arse...........I think it's time to walk away and try again when looking at it doesn't give me an instant migraine!
To be continued...............


by marie-nicole said...

Oh dear!

Think you're right... time to walk away for a bit... better to leave it and tackle it again when you feel ready.

It's not going anywhere... especially with that piece of wire sticky out it's butt... would be mighty uncomfortable for it to try and escape :-)

Penny said...

Hehehehehe....toO fuNnY!

Nat from Nest said...

lol!! oh dear..poor birdy!