June 5, 2008

Death of a Toaster....

I knew this would happen some day.... my precious little toaster which has been with me most of my life..... yes you read that right MOST OF MY LIFE has died. Sadly after approximately 35 YEARS of good service the toaster just became too dangerous to use on Tuesday night. I was having a really easy dinner as Mark was away and after cooking a few pieces of toast to go with dinner I could smell something burning.....I had taken all the toast out of the toaster so I knew that it wasn't toast burning. When I walked in the kitchen I could see right away a bright glow coming from my toaster like it was cooking toast without the toast! I moved the lever on the side and it wouldn't turn off so sadly I unplugged it for the last time!
I sent Mark to buy a new one and you can guarantee that any new appliance won't last that long.... just like my microwave which decided to cark-it on Saturday night after only 13 months ... and yes I think the makers of these appliances make them so they last just a little longer than their warranty!!!!
Now I have got that out of the way here is what's been happening;
On Saturday Megan had her last ballet practice for the eisteddfod next Monday....... we had a dress rehearsal and they all looked so cute.

On Sunday morning we went over to our cousins place just to hang out....Kate took the kids for a wild ride on the Quad Bike...... we had to use the excuse that it ran out of fuel because they just wouldn't get off! Morning tea turned into a BBQ Lunch it was all so relaxing...... Ryan found Kate's flouro arm bands she uses when running or riding her bike ( Kate competes in alot of triathlons and things ) and thought it would make a lovely head band..... it kinda reminds me of Olivia Newton John and Let's get physical.... don't you think.
Speaking of getting Physical Craig and Jacki thought it would be a great idea to go boxing on Tuesday morning........ Craig does this 3 or 4 times a week and is quite a hard task master so I found out. I knew I was going to be sore but I didn't quite count on being this sore..... my arms ache my legs don't move properly......not sure if I'm going to go back but I will say Jacki and I laughed and laughed the whole thought of me boxing and being flexible enough to do those exercises was hilarious!! Not the best photo but hey we had just been tortured for the last hour and a half!!!
Sometimes some of the things my kids do just make me shake my head and walk away.... on Monday afternoon after school I found Megan perched up t the table with a snack she put together herself...... pancakes and some Diet Coke in a cup.... not quite what I would have chosen for a drink, next thing I see is Megan dunking her pankakes in the Diet Coke and eating it all up...mmmmmm!! Ryan on the other hand has better taste than that he decided to get a nice little plate out and put some crackers on it, he then proceeded to tuck into and entire block of Camembert Cheese..... it was all a bit funny really!!
I've got Megan home sick for the second day now....... sounds like she has croup which isn't much fun especially during the night when things seem to get worse. So not much sleep at my house ..... think we might both watch a movie this afternoon and maybe have a much need nap and get ready to do it all again tonight!!
Thanks for visiting

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