November 7, 2009

My Place And Yours

It's Saturday again and that means it's time for "My Place And Yours", this weeks theme queen is "Bricole" and she has chosen "Your secret weapon" for this weeks theme, something you can't go without, something you keep close to your creative heart.

It only took me a few minutes to think about this one, what would be the first thing I would grab when leaving the house? I simply couldn't live without my camera! I love it because I get to capture moments like this..........

Yes that is a chicken in a pot!
One very happy little girl!
And one not so happy chicken!
This is why my secret weapon is my camera! I love being able to capture all the funny and unusual things that happen in my part of the world.
If you want to play along this week go and visit "Pip" over at "Meet Me At Mikes", say hello while you're there.
Thanks for stopping by.


Jackie said...

Chooks always look cranky! My daughter would agree about the Camera, very handy things.

Laura said...

I love your secret weapon. Nothing like a good camera.

tunabake said...

I love your tea sets - and I wouldn't have been able to see them without your secret weapon.

Aussie-waffler said...

Chicken in a pot, hee hee, you wield your secret weapon with much aplomb.

Ann said...

I'm still thinking about 'my secret weopon' but camera must come close. Being a scrapbooker what would I scrap without the photos?!
Love the chook pictures!

Anonymous said...

I learned something new today, chook must mean chicken?! Thanks!

meetmeatmikes said...

Fantastic light in these images! I love the girl more than the chook. And I love chooks. So that's one great girl you have there! Thanks for playing along! x

Snooze said...

A camera is instant happiness ... and great shots of your little girl. She's very cute too.

midge said...

great photos. cranky looking chook vs cute girl. who won?

Julie said...

I love your weapon of choice, and it is a great camera! :)

ExcUsE mY frEnch said...

great weapon !
and lovely child with a cute smile :)

frutejuce said...

Lovely photos, I have to agree, I would grab camera and photos!