I've been in the kitchen cooking up a storm! Low calorie cakes! I love a cake which looks this good and doesn't make your jeans tight!

The box which these cakes were created around stand 8.5cm tall and 12cm diameter, once the decorations were added on top they stand 12cm high!

Are you hungry yet?

The icing lid comes off to reveal a fully lined interior.....perfect for stashing something special!

I'm very pleased with the way these turned out.....bit fiddly but well worth it. I've nearly finished a third one which will have some pink puffs of frosting....just have to make a few more strawberries.
I haven't figured out a price for these yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you all know.
Sorry I haven't blogged for a few days, I've been trying to catch up on a few orders!
Thanks for visiting!
OMG!!! How cute are these!!
these are very lovely
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