March 11, 2010

My Creative Space.

I'm a bit late posting today, only because I've finally committed to having a stand at the Tamworth markets on the 20th of this month, so today I started a bit of a production line.
Busy creating some cuteness..... these Pirate Bunnies.
They turned out great, now I'm working on something using the same pattern only a little bit girly.
I know I'm not giving myself much time to get organised, slightly crazy I know but I think I'll be able to get enough goodies together in time!
If you want to visit some more Creative Spaces head on over to Kootoyoo and say hello.


Kristi said...

My boys would love one of those pirate bunnies.

Amanda said...

cute bunnies!

aarrrhhh!! (that was meant to be a pirate sound)

Anonymous said...

I love them. Goodluck at your market

lisa stubbs said...

Pirate bunnies! They're great me hearty!!

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

Pirate Bunnies!! Too cool!!

RitaJC said...

Cute bunnies!

Amanda said...

Ooh ooh ooh....can you sell 3 pirate bunnies to me before the markets????

Penny said...

I would have LOVED to have come and visited your stall....we'll be in Tamworth on the 16th, not the right day! Boo hoo.
Those bunnies will sell like hotcakes I'm sure. Good luck!