Last night I hit 100 Followers.........100 lovely creative people! I thought this milestone was worthy of a giveaway.........a giveaway involving some pears!

Which pears are your favourite pears?

Can you think of any other words you'd like to see on them?

Why would you like to win a set?

All you have to do is leave a comment and answer one or all of the questions above, and if you aren't already a follower you must be to enter. I'll leave it open for a week and the winner can choose which design they would like.
Thanks for stopping by.
I do like your pears. I like the 'eat' ones best, although 'pear' is kinda cool too! Congratulations on getting 100 people at your party! I really enjoy your blog and your crafty goodness. x
Oh SNAP!! I got my 100th last night too, it blows me away, but isn't it lovely to have people visit your little corner of the world every now & then...I love your 'LOVE' pears, but then, I think I love them all...
I'll keep you posted on my giveaway coming soon...
Ohhh... some hard questions there! First of all I want to congratulate you on 100 followers, it is certainly nice to know that you aren't *just* talking to yourself!
Now, which question to answer? Certainly not the first - that's too hard, they are all great!
Maybe the second... 'CRAFT' would be good, I think... or maybe the third... a set would look magnifique on my mantle which is currently very bare in the middle - and it needs something there too, very much, because empty it is much too inviting to random junk...!!
Congrats again, and here is to another 100 followers. :)
woohoo to you getting 100 peeps well done
I would loove to be the winner of your fabbo pears cause i love pears and you are one clever friend it would be lovely to have something you have made in my house
i love the home or love pears the best
and what about the word yumm on the pears ???
Bridge xx
Cool 100 followers that would be rather a nice feeling. How about 'sweet' or 'juicy' or 'happy'. I think I like the love set the best. :)
Congratulations, doesn't it make you feel special every time you get a new follower....and now I see you have 101.....I love the PEAR ones. thanks for the chance to win!
Fantastic... BIG CONGRATS to you!
I'd love a LIVE set... I love the simplicity of your design... to live simply and simply live, is living well to me.
BTW. Thank you so much for your lovely comment of my blog post the other day. My studio make over has been more of a larbour of love than hard work. It's another creative outlet for me... you know because designing, printing and making is just not enough LOL :-)
Hope you have a fabulous weekend Brenda.
My favourite is eat but perhaps personalised pears for short names! :-) Congrats
Congrats for your 100! I love your pears esp. the eat one. The options are endless for other words- taste, sweet, devour, bite...
My favourites are the "Love" but especially the "home" pear. I can just imagine them displayed on a sideboard in the entrance-way. The pears just feel welcoming and comforting to me.
Congratulations! I love the pears with LOVE and we would love a set in our kitchen 'cos we love pears! Nice giveaway!
WOW 100 peoples - that's totally awesome. I love your pears too. I think my faves are the "home" and "love"... they would look sooooo good at my place xx "LIVE" could be another good one.
Awesome 100 Followers!!!!! That is worth celebrating. My favourite is "Love" because I am an old fashioned romantic from way back. The word I would love to see on your pears is "ART", because I love having art in my life! Why do I want a set? Why wouldn't I want a set they are gorgeous and made by such a talented lady! oh and I have a confession to make, I LOVE YOUR OWLS !!!!
your pears are great! Congrats on the 100 followers. I think LIVE or NEST or CREATE would be great words to add.
Wow, so lovely of you to have a giveaway. I really love all of your pears but my favourites would be the "eat" pears. Another idea for a word on the pears is pear in other languages. eg. "poire" (French), "birne" (German), "pera" (Italian), "paron" (Swedish).
Wooohoooo 100...
I love "EAT" ... my DH was talking about getting some wooden letters to go in the new kitchen and i told him i know a lady who makes fabric pears with a real stick! and they have the letters "EAT"... he giggled... congrats brenda and keep it up you are one awesome sewing chick!
Oooo, that's a hard one Brenda - they are the cutest little fruits ever and I wouldn't want to offend anyone of them! But I reckon "Pear" has to be my's the big A that does it for me. Why do I want a set? Cos I have the perfect spot for them in my lounge room. Other name ideas: "i heart u" would be adorable!
Congrats my friend on reaching 100. So, my fav is the HOME pears. Other suggestions for would could include: I (symbol of a heart) CRAFT, and perhaps for a Christmas theme you could do JOY, PEACE, PEAR TREE (as in a partridge in a pair tree). Would love to win one because I'd love to have a piece of your creativity in my home. Trace :)
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love em all... maybe 'eat' is my fav... love visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful creations... love Jo xx
Fantastic job everyone who is currently following and those who may just be ready to join this fabulous blog.
Congratulations Brenda, there will no doubt be many many more jump on board soon.
For me, EAT and HOME are my faves and I'd like to see FUN or JOY as alternatives.
x Felicity
What an amazing giveaway - yay for us! I love all of your pears, but HOME is one of my faves. I'm with Vic on CRAFT and maybe SEW as new ones. Love the christmas ideas coming through too. Nic
Ohh, I was just reading through the other comments and saw that a couple of people suggested "pear" and I got an idea. What about having two pears and having "Pair" on the front and then initials on the back, what a unique wedding/engagement present...
Hi Brenda
Congratulations on your 100th follower, what a milestone!
I love your 'love' pears the most &
Mmmmmm I think you should name your next pears 'apples' that would trick the mind LOL...just a thought
& I would love to win a set of your pears so that when you become very famous I can say that I have a 'Red Stitch Design' original.
So excited that u are doing so well, keep up the good work!!!
Well, let me see, what don't i already own from your collection??
I would like to one day own a set of HOME pears, especially as my handsome soldier is in his last few weeks of war & him coming home safe is the greatest thing our family can ever experience!! I never tell the children exactly when (as we've had delays before), for them it's more exciting than going on holiday or Christmas. I surprise them by just driving to the airport & saying "guess what guys, today is the day". I should time it better as i have had the disaster of 4 children running into 4 different doors of an airport - yes, international AIRPORT!! Nothing like the Federal Police marching children back to you with that 'can't you keep control of your children, you're their mother' look on their faces. Anyway, HOME is the most beautiful word in the world, next to family for us. We already EAT & LOVE Red Stitch Design Pears, ahhh, you're awesome.
Now wouldn't it be cool if you did a PAIR of pears?? I think that would be the most gorgeous gift to a couple in love, love Posie
I think enjoy would be a nice word for your pear...I'm getting a new kitchen soon and i think a set of pears would go lovely in it...fingers cross..always think your stuff is wonderful...Meg
Congratulations on 100 (now 107) party goers! I've been eyeing your pears off for a while. I like the 'pear' pears...that's clever!
Congrats on your 100th follower! Such a wonderful bloggy adventure you have wonder people keep popping in! I think all your pears are brilliant but I can't deny a bit of "love". Bravo to you :)
Congrats on 100 followers!
I like the "eat" pears and someone else suggested "sweet" and "juicy", I think that would be cool too!
Oh, I just love your pears - a great new take on the pear and letter trend but handmade - gorgeous! I like the 'love' set but what about 'dream', 'smile' or maybe enve 'blog'!
I heart the pears one. So cool!
I just became your 110th !! I so love your owls and the pears. I like the 'eat' pear but I just LOVE the ones from your aug 25ht post with the HEARTS!!! I would love to win a set because my husband has me on a tight budget and would kill me if I bought some LOL. Be healthy on them would be fun and educational for the kids xox looking forward to following and your great ideas- thankyou!! xox
I love fabric pears, I don't actually like eating them, if I had to eat one it would have to be a nashi. And I can't choose which set I like best maybe the pear or love.
Hi Brenda, I'm your new 113rd follower :)
I love all pears and I like the "eat" pairs the best, have been eyeing them off on Madeit. I came over from Yardage Design, have a great weekend.
Hi Brenda, CONGRATS on 100+ woohoo! I fell for your pears a few months ago at Shop in Canb. where I purchased the 'eat' set for my kitchen, since then I have been LUSTING after the 'love' set, perfect for the family room. AND NOW the gorgeous ones with the hearts. IM.IN.LOVE!!! And a quick mention to your owlies, so CUTE!
Have a lovely weekend and congrats again :) Annabel
I missed this post! Congratulations!!!! 100 Followers! WOW!
I love your pears!
I'd have to say my fave would be 'home' then 'love'...
Congrats on hitting 100!!!
Well done on 100 followers!... have only just started my own blog so can imagine that must be a great milestone!
These pears are fantastic - and very unique.. i love things in my home that are a little bit special like these : ) My favourite is "pear".
Maybe you could try them in another language to further reach your friends overseas...for example "poire" or "amour"
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