Last week I went to a lecture given by
Sue Dengate, it was all about food, the additives in food and the effects that all these nasties can have on our children ( and adults for that matter ). It was a very informative night and I came away from it thinking that I could make a few changes around my house starting with this...............Home made cordial!

My daughter Megan loves her water and milk but my son Ryan likes a drink of cordial.....not the best option for a cool drink! In the book
Fed Up ( by Sue Dengate) there is a recipe for cordial, it does have a large amount of sugar in it but I only used 1/3 of a cup as opposed to 1 cup. It passed the taste test and now I'm no longer going to buy the "big brand cordial" with all the extra nasties in it. This will also save you loads of $$$$.
1 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
1/2 teaspoon citric acid
Combine water and sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add citric acid. Allow to cool and store in the refrigerator. Dilute to taste with water or soda water before drinking.
Have a go and see what you think!
might need to give that one a whirl...
hmm, can you check that recipe again, there may be some sugar missing? Want to give it a try!
I'm just mean, my children are only allowed milk or water, we buy about 2L of juice a week between the 4 of them & i water it down!! They don't get poppers with lunch either, just water water water. Love the recipe though, i have her books but realise the way my husband & i were raised, by diabetic parents, it's pretty bland & on par with Sue Dengate's mission anyway. When our children act crazy, we just add water - a shower, swim or glass of water, never fails & 'tis free. Sue is on her way to Canberra, she must be on the way around the country, she's pretty awesome, Army wife of course!! Love Posie
Thanks for letting me know about the typo. I just fixed it and now there is 1 cup of sugar added to the's hard to concentrate when the kids are having a fight over cleaning up their rooms.
tried this one - how nice and refreshing...
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