November 6, 2010

Little Houses!

I took a break from making little Christmas hanging owl ornaments yesterday afternoon and made these cute house cushions.
I think the pink one is going to look so sweet on Megan's bed.
I've had a few good nights sleep and I'm feeling much better than I was earlier in the week, I'm even going to take the afternoon off and go so something special with hand stitching is coming along with me! I've come to realize that you can only do what you can do, and stressing and working myself stupid isn't part of what I had in mind!
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!


posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

I hear you Brenda, just took 2 days on the lounge to recover from what has ended up feeling like a mild virus!! I even went to Athletics craft free, just to rest my entire body. So glad to hear you're feeling more chipper. Love Posie

mel @ loved handmade said...

They are really gorgeous! I hope you had a wonderful afternoon and enjoyed a bit of down time..gorgeous weather for it!

Angie said...

Your little houses are gorgeous, any little girl (or big one!) would love them! Hope you are enjoying a well deserved break!